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Our Team.

Bridging the technology gap requires the collaboration of top experts, leaders, and doers to collectively tackle some of our biggest issues.


Meet the people of PollyLabs

Core Team


Founder & CEO

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Ella Drory

Venture Strategy Associate

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Chief Partnership Officer

Ellie Naider

Research & Comms Intern

Sarah Kellogg

Entrepreneur in Residence 

Guillermo Campos

Venture Summer Associate

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Adam Dimanshteyn

Venture Summer Associate

Martin Clark

Strategy Summer Associate

Advisory Board

Our board comprises a unique blend of experts and thought-leaders from diverse sectors, collaborating to creatively harness technology for global impact

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Kurt Dassel (PhD)

Thought leader and seasoned practitioner focusing on the emerging markets, social impact, and private sector engagement. Kurt has over 20 years of experienced consulting as well as a prior career in academia at Harvard University and Wellesley College.



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Danielle Capalino

A seasoned investor and philanthropist, Danielle is a strong advocate for using data and research in developing new innovations. She is currently serves on the boards of the MIT corporation development committee, tufts Friedman school of nutrition board of the JDC.



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Shani Rokman (MBA)

A technology and product leader, Shani is the former CTO of a tech startup and currently serves as a Growth and monetization product leader at Google. She previously worked at Intel as a VLSI engineer and served as an F-16 flight simulator instructor in the IDF





Advisory Team

A remarkable team of impact, tech, and business experts from diverse sectors, geographies, and backgrounds will offer valuable support and insights to PollyLabs and its portfolio organizations.


Featured in no particular order

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Tal Shapira (PhD)

AI / ML, Cyber security, tech assessment

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Yehuda Elram

Venture build, tech transfer,  strategy &, leadership


Ariel Beery

Innovation, policy, climate action, venture building and financing 


Carter Cox

Nonprofit management, philanthropy, leadership development


Ariel Toli Gadilov

Venture finance, legal,

and regulation

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Alexis Bonell

Innovation, International development, B2G business models

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Ella Steimatzky 

Venture building, venture capital, product mgmt. 


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Adva Rudis

Data science, predictive analytics & visualization


Thelet Ramot

Local governance, public private partnerships


Mehemed Bougsea

Climate tech, health tech, Future of work


Steve Watkins

Financial inclusion, blended finance, emerging markets

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Pilar Carvajo

Emerging markets, blended 

finance, climate action

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Keren Kay

Marketing, creative, venture 

capital, partnership

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Gal Shargil-Yaari

ESG strategy and reporting, social responsibility specialist


Will Edman

Food & agriculture, Sub Saharan Africa

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Kate Collins

Emerging markets, blended finance, food & ag


Carly Chase

Venture building, workforce & education


Ariella Friedman

Impact Strategy, operations, trustee relations


Gal Antonovsky

Generative AI, Product Strategy, Future of Work


Dimitry Shvartsman

Cyber Security, product management, corporate VC

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Daniela Kandel

Climate-tech, strategy, innovation, financial models, emerging markets

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Matan Rudis

Cyber security, climate, enterprise software


Lissy Alden

Well being, people & culture , workforce development,


Galit Jacobovitz

Strategy, operations, ecosystem building

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Elad Shapira

eCommerce, logistics, last-mile distribution

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Bar Peled

Strategy and operations, 

Product, growth ventures


Asaf Gilboa

Venture building,  Blockchain, future of work


Jackie Atlas

Global marketing, Innovations and ventures

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Hagay Carmi

Cyber security, tech assessment


Jeremy Katz

GTM strategy, operations, customer Success

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